Pioneering Novel Biopharmaceuticals

Rapid development of new therapheutic drugs based on our uniqe biopharmaceutical platform.

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About Us

We are a joung bio-technology start-up working the unqiue bio-technology platform Adena Intel that leverages recent advancements in artifical intelligence to create novel biopharmaceutical drugs. Based in Zurich (CH), our mission is to

  • Identify novel drug candidates based on AI recommendation.
  • Rapid drug candidate evaluation through protein simulaton.
  • Leverage existing pharmaceuticals for novel conditions.

Data Sets of on the market drugs analyzed by our Adena Intel platform.

Projects to evaluate novel drug candidates suggested by our Adena Intel platform

Years of experience in the bio-technology area across our team


Leverage Artifical Intelligence

Leverage the power of artifical intelligence for drug candidate research.

Protein Models

Relyable simulation of protein models to systematicaly determine their effects.

Time to Market

Significantly accelerate drug discovery and research through our protein models.

Novel Drug Candiates

Identify novel drug candidates based on AI-driven protein simulation.


Magnam dolores commodi suscipit eum quidem consectetur velit

Matt Liton


This team combines a unique experience with outstanding ideas. Their approach could be a game changer for the bio-technology industry!

John Larson

Biomed Entrepreneur

The combination of technological and bio-sience knwoledge in your team massivly impressed me. Can't wait to see the first results!


Andreas Hansen

Chief Executive Officer

Sarah Jhonson

Research Lead

Patrick Spiegel


Contact Us


Pioneering Novel Biopharmaceuticals

Maneggstrasse 93
Zurich, ZH 8041, CH

+41 78 222 42 74

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